Nope! BrainHQ understands the power of community and accountability. That's why anyone can sign up for BrainHQ and create or join a team completely free of charge.
Here's how it works:
- BrainHQ Account Creation: Sign up for a free BrainHQ account. This gives you access to the basic features and allows you to participate in a team.
- Team Up for Fun: Once you have an account, you can create your own BrainHQ team or join an existing team created by a friend or family member.
- Motivate Each Other: See your teammates' training notifications and send them encouraging messages. This friendly competition and support system can help you stay on track with your brain training goals.
Upgrade for More
While the free version of BrainHQ allows you to experience the social and motivational aspects of BrainHQ teams with one exercise a day, a premium subscription unlocks the full range of brain training exercises and personalized programs.
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