BrainHQ Training Teams are a fantastic way to stay motivated with brain training! But you might wonder, how soon after you train will your teammates see your efforts?
If you complete your BrainHQ training session on the website, your teammates' rosters should update to reflect your training session within 15 minutes or so. This gives the system a short while to process your completion and update your team's feed.
When you train using the BrainHQ mobile app, the notification update to your team might take a bit longer. This is because the mobile app updates occur less frequently than the website. However, as long as your device is connected to the internet, your teammates will definitely see your training activity within a day.
Please note that if your device isn't connected to the internet while you train, the information won't be uploaded, and your teammates’ rosters won’t update to reflect your training. Once you connect to the internet again, the update will occur and your teammates should see your training activity within a day.
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