The UFOV® assessment consists of three parts:
Part 1: Processing Speed
On each trial, either a car or a truck is presented in the center of the screen. The task is to identify the vehicle. The presentation time is adjusted until a threshold can be calculated. The test consists of the following:
- Two tutorial trials are presented with the correct responses highlighted.
- Four practice trials with no highlighting are presented. If the user does poorly the practice will be repeated.
- When the practice has been completed the test will begin. No information or feedback is provided.
When the test has been completed, the user is returned to the assessment page. The user should click on the arrow in the large circle on the right to launch the second part (Divided Attention).
Part 2: Divided Attention
The user does the same task as in Part 1 with the concurrent task of identifying the location of the vehicle in the periphery. The test consists of the following:
- Two tutorial trials are presented with the correct responses highlighted.
- Four practice trials with no highlighting are presented. If the user does poorly the practice will be repeated.
- When the practice has been completed the test will begin. No information or feedback is provided.
When the test has been completed, the user is returned to the assessment page. The user should click on the arrow in the large circle on the right to launch the last part (Selective Attention).
Part 3: Selective Attention
The user does the same task as in Part 2 with the addition of distracting triangles in the periphery. The test consists of the following:
- Two tutorial trials are presented with the correct responses highlighted.
- Four practice trials with no highlighting are presented. If the user does poorly the practice will be repeated.
- When the practice has been completed the test will begin. No information or feedback is provided.
When the test has been completed the user is taken to the results page.
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