The Settings tab allows administrators to change the language BrainHQ is offered in, edit names and email addresses, quickly view and change focuses for users, adjust their training strategies, change their weekly goals, toggle BrainHQ emails on and off, and lock settings for accounts.
Refresh Users Click this button to update the user list once any changes are made. This button is available on all sub-menu tabs.
Import Custom Focus Administrators can create a custom focus on their accounts through their own Personal Trainer. This focus can then be imported into the group using the Import button.
Apply Group Settings Select a number of users from the list of group members and click the “Apply Group Settings” button to apply the Group Value settings to existing accounts.
The first line in the table on this submenu is the Group Value line. Group Value allows administrators to establish settings that will automatically be applied to new members, and admins are able to apply these settings to individual members using the Apply Group Settings button (listed above).
Locale: This determines the user lounge settings. By default the locale will be set to en-us (shorthand for English - US).
Focus This determines the order and content of exercises scheduled by the Personal Trainer. Administrators can select from our Standard Focuses, or Custom Focuses.
Depth is the rate at which users move through exercises in the Personal Trainer. Admins can insert a value between 1-100. Selecting a lower value changes the Personal Trainer to require completing fewer levels to pass an exercise; a higher number means more levels must be mastered in each exercise before moving on to the next level. This is functionally the same as the depth/breadth slider found on a user’s profile page. Updates in the Portal will also be reflected from the slider on the user’s profile page and vice versa (if the depth is updated in the profile page, this will update the setting in the portal.) Each dot on the slider represents a fixed number of level repetitions as shown in the graphic below:
Threshold sets a performance goal for the user; it refers to the number of stars the user must earn on a level in order to move on. When a user finishes a level having earned the number of stars required by the Threshold, the Personal Trainer will consider that level passed and not schedule it again. Admins can select a value between 1-5. A value of 1 means that the user needs to score 1 star on a level (easy); a value of 5 means that the user needs to score 5 stars on a level (expert). This is functionally the same as the Difficulty option found on a user’s profile page. Updates in the Portal will also be reflected from the slider on the user’s profile page and vice versa (if the difficulty is updated in the profile page, this will update the setting in the portal.)
By default, the Personal Trainer is designed to have users train with 24 levels per week across three sessions for an average of 1 hour of training per week. (This roughly equates to three, 20 minute training sessions.) Administrators can adjust the Levels/week and Sess/week numbers to better fit training and scheduling needs. Admins can even set a goal for the total number of completed levels using the Tot. Levels option.
The No Email on/off toggle will either subscribe or unsubscribe a user from the BrainHQ mailing lists. This mostly pertains to Weekly Me (our personalized weekly email update), our monthly newsletters, webinar invitations, and general marketing emails from BrainHQ. Selecting the “on” value means that emails won’t be sent; the “off” value means that emails will continue to be sent.
An account that has been Locked will have limited access to settings and training options. This will prevent a user from accessing exercises via the a la carte menu, and it will prevent users from viewing their profile so they will be unable to make any changes to their account.
Whenever a value on the Group Value line has been changed, an asterisk will appear next to the new value. Two more buttons will appear next to the Import Custom Focus button: Save Changes and Revert Changes.
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