BrainHQ Groups
Now you can provide BrainHQ to the people in your organization. A BrainHQ group gives you access to a secure web-based portal where you can provide BrainHQ access to members of your organization and monitor and supervise their usage, progress, and performance. BrainHQ groups are used in clinics, classrooms, teams, communities, and enterprises in healthcare, education, insurance, senior care, sports, military, manufacturing, and service sectors to monitor and improve performance.
BrainHQ Group Licenses
A BrainHQ group has an administrator (or several), a number of BrainHQ group licenses, and a number of BrainHQ users. Each person using BrainHQ needs their own group license. The group administrator can assign a license to a user when its time for that person to start training with BrainHQ as part of the group, and can recover the license when that person is done training. In that way, a group license might be used by several people over the course of a year, one at a time. The number of licenses governs the number of users who can be active in the group at any one time - for example, a group with 10 licenses can have 10 BrainHQ users at any one time.
A BrainHQ group can also be used to provide the Useful Field of View (UFOV) assessment.
Pro and Enterprise Groups
A BrainHQ group can be either a BrainHQ Pro group, where licenses are purchased month-to-month on a credit card, or a BrainHQ Enterprise group, which comes with additional security certifications and where licenses are purchased in advance by invoice. You can read more about the various features of BrainHQ Pro and BrainHQ Enterprise groups, including pricing information, here.
Creating, Managing, and Wrapping Up Group Users
An administrator can create new BrainHQ users in their group, or invite existing BrainHQ users to their group. A user can only be a member of one group at a time. While in the group, the administrator can access the user's usage, progress, and performance data to help the user get the most out of BrainHQ, and can configure the users training to provide specific exercises selected by the administrator. When the user is finished with BrainHQ training, the administrator can remove the user from the group, which frees up the group license for the next group user, and converts the user's account into a free BrainHQ account. Or the administrator can archive the user, preserving their data for future analysis while freeing up the group license.
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