Sometimes when purchasing BrainHQ, an error message may occur that says something along the lines of "Problem processing your request" or "X is invalid". There are a few reasons why this might happen.
Incorrect information had been provided
It is possible to make a typo when entering billing information. We suggest typing in everything again and double-checking to make sure everything is spelled correctly.
Each of the fields in the form should have a green icon to the left of each field if everything looks like it was typed in correctly. If it was not typed correctly an error message will appear and indicate which field is incorrect, and the icon will remain gray.
Be sure to check the following:
- Credit Card isn't Expired - Also be sure that when typing in the expiration date that it is formatted as MMYY (the site will automatically insert a "/"). For example, a credit card expiring in August 2020 would be typed as 0820 into the form.
- Security Code (CVV) is correct - Visa, Mastercard, and Discover have a 3-digit CVV on the back of the card. American Express cards have a 4-digit CVV on the front of the card.
- Postal code (zip code) is correct - If you are in the United States, a postal code is the same as a zip code. Make sure that the zip code entered is the same as your zip code in your billing address. If you are an international customer, you can try your postal code here. For example, Vancouver (Canada) may have a postal code of V5K0A1, Cambridge (England) may have a postal code of CB10FY, etc.
Security Holds
If this is your first time purchasing with us, or if it's the first time in a while since you've purchased anything from us, your credit institution may flag the purchase as potentially fraudulent as part of their security measures. This can result in the transaction being placed on hold. If you have verified that all of your payment information is correct and you are receiving an error message, please call your bank to inquire about any holds placed on your card.
Insufficient Funds
If the credit card being used is maxed out, then the transaction cannot occur until the credit card balance has been decreased.
Foreign Transactions
International banks will sometimes put a hold on credit cards when making an unfamiliar foreign transaction. If you are purchasing from outside the United States and are receiving an error message, usually a call to your bank to let them know it isn't a random, international, fraudulent charge will be enough to allow for the purchase to take place. Once done speaking with your bank, you may try the transaction again.
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