Users with cognitive impairment will find BrainHQ easiest to use if you configure the personal trainer for their use. This will let your users...
- Have a straightforward and easy-to-remember way to train correctly - just click the large yellow “Personal Trainer” button on the dashboard to start training.
- Avoid uncertainty associated with picking exercises on their own.
- Focus on exercises appropriate for them.
You can configure the personal trainer with settings appropriate for users with cognitive impairment using the custom settings feature of the personal trainer.
How to configure the Personal Trainer
- Log in to the BrainHQ Group Portal at
- Create an account for your user (if you haven’t already)
- Impersonate the user by clicking on their name
- Acting as the user, click the Personal Trainer button
- Click on the “FOCUS” button in the top left corner of the Personal Trainer page.
- Scroll down and select Custom Focus at the very bottom of the Focus menu.
Select Appropriate Exercises
- Remove exercises that require a quick reaction time by clicking the "X" button next to the exercise name: Divided Attention, Mind Bender, and Mixed Signals.
- Remove exercises that challenge users to recall complex stimulus: True North, Rhythm Recall, Auditory Ace, and Card Shark.
Adjust the Difficulty Setting
The Difficulty setting sets a performance goal for a user. When a user achieves that performance goal on a level, the Personal Trainer does not schedule that level again. When the Personal Trainer picks this exercise next, it will schedule the next level of the exercise. You can set the Difficulty Setting to “Easy.” This sets a 2-star performance goal for your user, which should help them make steady progress through the exercise levels without getting stuck and being required to achieve a performance level that may not be appropriate for them.
Save Your Changes
Once you have made changes, please be sure to click the ">" button at the top of the screen, or your changes will not be saved.
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