If you are an administrator for an active research study and require assistance with BrainHQ, please contact us.
If you are interested in using BrainHQ in an upcoming study, please refer to this article.
If you are a participant in a research study looking for assistance, please refer to this article.
For technical support questions pertaining to the portal, logins for participants, or loading errors, please use the contact form on our website. Start by clicking the "help" button located at the top of the BrainHQ website.
- If you are logged in, the help button will be in the upper left of the BrainHQ site.
- If you are logged out, the help button will be in the upper right of the BrainHQ site.
A prompt will appear asking for your name, account email address, subject, and a message.
In the body of the message please include one of the group administrator's email addresses (if you aren't listed as an administrator in the portal) and the name of your study. This will help our Customer Delight Team in locating your group and it will provide context for your questions. The more information you can provide about the issue the more likely we'll be able to pinpoint troubleshooting options.
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